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Week Ten Discussion Part 2

Week Ten Discussion Part 2

Q Practice Synthesis: Developing Connections Between Orwell's Time and Our Own (Homelessness) Before posting in this discussion discussion assignment, complete the first reading assignment for this week (Chapters XXIV-XXXI). This practice synthesis is similar to what we did in the second discussion from last week, in which you compared the experience of working poverty in 21st c. America and Orwell's time. The difference is that we'll be focusing on an experience new to Orwell in these recent chapters: homelessness. Think of this as a chance to practice the thinking and evidence-finding process necessary for Essay Three. Also, you can use any connections you or your classmates make here as starting points for your own synthesis in Essay Three. Preparation *You don't have submit anything for these "preparation" activities. Instead, these preparatory steps will help you develop your existing knowledge of homelessness in 21st c. America, which you'll need in order to put together a compelling synthesis for your post in this discussion activity. The stuff you do have to submit is listed under "Your Task." 1. Consider the following data: • o In 2020, on a typical night in the U.S, over 580,000 individuals were homeless. 1. o Given that people move in and out of homelessness, far more people experience homelessness at some point in a given year. o Approximately 25% of homeless people in shelters have a severe mental illness. o Approximately 35% of homeless adults in shelters have chronic substance use issues. o About 7% of the total homeless population are veterans. o California has the largest number of homeless people among all the states in the U.S, accounting for about 1 in 4 of the country’s total homeless population. ? Sources for the above data: US Dept. Of Housing and Urban Development, The National Alliance to End Homelessness, Homelessness Policy Research Institute 2. Watch this video on homelessness in the Silicon Valley. (You only need to watch the first part, about the first seven minutes.) (Links to an external site.) 3. Read one or more of these short articles on homelessness in the Bay Area. (The Tri-City Voice, 2021). These were written by a former student in this English 1A class, Veena Kommu, and grew out of the same research project you're working on now. They consist of brief portraits of individuals in the Bay Area experiencing homelessness. After clicking on each link, scroll to page five to find the article by Kommu. o "The Human Side of Homelessness: Marty" o "The Human Side of Homelessness: Gino" o "The Human Side of Homelessness: Lisa" 4. Free-write responses to the questions below. Draw on the data above, the video, the articles, and your own knowledge and experience. • o What do you think causes homelessness today, in 21st c. America? (Individual choices and challenges? Societal, economic forces?) o What do you think a homeless person’s life is like today? How does homelessness affect people physically, psychologically, emotionally, etc.? Your Task *NOTE: Orwell describes the experience of homelessness (off and on) from Chapter XXIV up through the end of the book. PART ONE: Post your practice synthesis (25 points, at least 200 words). You will be creating a synthesis based on the subject of homelessness. Your post should have three parts to it: • Synthesis claim (1-2 sentences): How is the experience of homelessness in the U.S. today similar to or different from the experience of homelessness in Orwell's time? • Evidence from Orwell’s time: Find a quote from Orwell to support the relationship you described in your "synthesis claim." If it's a reasonably short quote, include the quote itself; if it's long, please just give us a brief summary and the page/chapter numbers. • Evidence from our time: Explain what you know about homelessness in the 21st century that supports the synthesis claim you made. Summarize evidence from your own experiences and observations; the data, video, or articles posted above; or any other sources of knowledge you've come across on your own. *IMPORTANT NOTE: What you'll come up with in this practice synthesis is essentially the "skeleton" of an Essay Three proof paragraph. In each proof paragraph in Essay Three, you'll likely make a synthesis claim, and then support it with evidence from Orwell and your research. (There would be more to the paragraph, but these elements would be the foundation of the paragraph.) PART TWO: Read your classmates' syntheses. (There is no second post required.) I think you'll find it very helpful to see how other students have synthesized Orwell's depiction of homelessness with 21st century homelessness. Remember, you can use other students' ideas as springboards for your own research and synthesis.

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The way Orwell describes the problem of homelessness is valid even today. Orwell describes how hard it is to find a proper place to stay when someone is poor or has less money. He also shows how tramps are treated. We also come to know how substance abuse, ignorance and mental health were the biggest reasons. The same is even applicable today. Homelessness has always been an issue in America.